This code reuses standard system colors available through the Display class. 此代码将重用通过Display类可用的标准系统颜色。
They freely acknowledge their digital double standard, saying they want their children to be surrounded by print books. to experience turning physical pages as they learn about shapes, colors and animals. 他们坦诚采用了双重标准,希望自己的孩子生活在实体书的包围下,让子女在学习各种形状、颜色和动物的同时有实实在在翻书阅读的体验。
These products are four standard colors to choose from, can also be customized according to customer requirements. 这些产品有四种标准的颜色可供选择,也可以按照客户的要求定做。
The company has been innovative services and experience of color in the painting industry kind of demand for precision coating to provide a constant variety of standard colors. 本公司一直以创新和经验服务于涂装行业对样的需求,为涂装提供各种精确恒定的彩标样。
Shenbon water supply PE pipes are in black with blue strips as standard, but blue pipes or other colors pipes can be ordered as a special requirement. 胜邦给水用PE管材一般为黑色加蓝条,也可根据用户要求生产蓝色或其他颜色管材。
Also, the standard colors for visited and unvisited links will not work, and users have no control over the text size they want to use. 同时,链接以及非链接的标准颜色会发生改变,并且用户须控制需要利用的文本尺寸。
To use a different fill color, under theme colors or standard colors, click the color that you want to use. 要使用不同的填充颜色,请在“主题颜色”或“标准颜色”下单击要使用的颜色。
Note: This bitmap's colors will be adjusted to use standard toolbar colors. 注意:将把该位图的颜色调整为使用标准工具栏的颜色。